for Feeding Fauna / The Headland. Photo Dane BeesleyRooman for Fleur Elise Noble. Photo Fleur
For Terrapin Puppet Theatre
Puppet designer and lead maker, Feathers, 2024. Set design Charlotte Lane. Photos Hannah ToddDesigner/maker, Heap, 2023. photo – Peter MathewPaper Escaper, puppet designer and lead maker, 2022. Set design Charlotte Lane, photo Darcie RichDesigner and lead maker, Scaredy Cat, 2021. Set adaptation for theatre by Charlotte Lane, photo Cassandra HannaganTip Duck at Junction Arts Festival, 2023. Photo Charlotte WorsleyThe Inexplicably Convoluted Peregrinations of Jessica Parrot, a 3D series written by First Dog on the Moon. 2021, photo Jacob CollingsMa and Pa Ubu in King Ubu, Launceston Gorge MONA FOMA 2020. Photo Jesse HunnifordMa and Pa Ubu for King Ubu. Photo Jesse HunnifordA Not So Traditional Story, 2018. Written by Nathan Maynard, show design Michele Boyde, photo Peter MathewOvo, from The Egg, 2016. A Terrapin and MTC co-production. Photo Jeff Busby